
Export a cross table visualization to a file

from System.IO import Path, File, StreamWriter
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import CrossTablePlot
#Temp file for storing the cross table data
tempFolder = Path.GetTempPath()
tempFilename = Path.GetTempFileName()

#Export CrossTable data to the temp file
writer = StreamWriter(tempFilename)

print tempFilename

vTable (Visualization)

Not suitable for use over the web since the local file system is used.

Change "Limit Data Using Filtering" message

This script will change the message that is displayed when "limit data using filtering" is used and the "message on white background" is selected.

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import Visualization

visual = argV.As[Visualization]();

visual.Data.LimitingMarkingsEmptyMessage = "New Description"


argV (Visualization): The visualization that has been configured to show "message on white background"